In part 1 of this blog post we introduced you to some top tips for popping whether you are riding Hooked-in or Unhooked. The two videos have had a great response but check them out if you’ve yet to watch them… But now we thought it would be good to show you how you can take the basic technique of popping and move it forwards into more advanced tricks.

What next – Hooked-in Popping…
1. Popping on its own will get pretty boring pretty quickly so the next progression is definitely Popping to Toeside and it definitely beats forcing the board round like you may have been doing so far.
2. Next up has to be grabs and there are a lot of them to try, which in itself can keep you busy for some time!
- Tail Grab
- Melon Grab with a frontside 180 landing toeside
- Mute Grab with a frontside 180 landing toeside
- Nuclear Grab
- Crail Grab

What next – Unhooked Popping…
1. When it comes to unhooking, the possible tricks that lay ahead are endless! But to start with here’s a few of the first progressions you should look at taking…
2. Beyond this the number of tricks, requiring good pop, are numerous. Here are just a few examples to get you started:
So there you have it, your next steps for popping whether you are hooked or unhooked. If you want more in-depth help with your kiteboarding then check our the our Premium videos, available through the Progression Player App. More than just tips these videos cover many of these tricks in full detail, including common mistakes and key elements helping you to get it nailed faster!