This is a short aside from the normal posts on Progression but one which I’d like to share with you all.
I’m Rob the owner of Progression and one year ago today my wife, Fiona died of bowel cancer at the age of 33. Though her death is still dreadful painful and she is missed always, today is a day to celebrate her life and so its only fair to explain the massive impact she had, and still has, on Progression. Its fair to say that this company would be very different if not for her input, firstly through support as my girlfriend, then unpaid part time helping us re-brand and ultimately when she become my business partner for the last year of her life.
My love of kitesurfing had wained when I met Fi in 2007 but she soon gave me all the motivation I need to see this sport with fresh eyes and once again get excited about ever session – whether I was riding or filming. She truly inspired me and made me appreciate what a privilege position we have being able to kitesurf, to travel and be surround by like minded people across the world.
The photo I’ve posted here, was from a trip we made to Mexico and in her last months & weeks, when everything seemed so hopeless, it was this day on the flat water of Isla Blanca that she would dream of, that day jumping and learning to pop.
Most of you will not of known Fi but for everyone that supports Progression, enjoys the videos and content we create, please take a little time to think of her but also think of the joy and pleasure that kitesurfing gives you, that we are so privileged to have this opportunity so don’t waste it, make the most of everything you have and strive for your dreams.