Progression Schools Program

Find out how kitesurfing schools are partnering with Progression so you get more from your lessons

At Progression we’re committed to helping people learn to kitesurf, providing information to help you progress, and promoting a safer kitesurfing community for everyone.

That’s why we’ve partnered with a number of schools to enhance your experience through the learning tools we have developed for kitesurfers over the past 12 years. We aim to get you set up to continue successfully in your kitesurfing progression, even after you’ve finished your lessons.

Progression continually produce the world’s leading series of instructional kitesurfing videos that feature a tried and tested ‘Progression Method’ to help you learn new techniques and tricks.

We’re providing partnered schools the opportunity to give every student a voucher code to redeem against a free premium video of your choice; check out the Kiteboarding Beginner Collection to see the videos available.

Use the Progression Player app (available for iOS and Android devices) to download your chosen videos and watch them on or offline whether it’s on your sofa, on the train travelling to work or down the beach waiting for wind.

Create your own Progression Profile so you can sync your videos between your devices, get personalised recommendations as you work your way up from beginner to pro

Check out our Beginner Zone packed with blog posts, videos and beginner related resources to help you in your kiting progression

Been given your free video voucher code already?

Redeem and get your free video

New Schools

If you are a school and want to become a Progression Schools partner, please get in touch with Caroline who would love to tell you more about the scheme.

New Students

If you are a kitesurfing student but your school doesn’t participate in the programme, send us details of the school and type of lessons you are undertaking, and we will look into a way of providing you with a free video voucher.